Tour De Sundarbans: A Journey Towards Sustainable Tourism in India

Tour De Sundarbans: A Journey Towards Sustainable Tourism in India

Nestled in the southern part of West Bengal, India, the Sundarbans is a cluster of low-lying islands and mangrove forests. It is home to the famous Royal Bengal Tigers, saltwater crocodiles, and a diverse range of flora and fauna. The Sundarbans is not just a natural wonder; it is also a place of cultural significance, with a rich history dating back centuries. The Sundarbans, located in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers, is one of the largest mangrove forests in the world. It is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the Bengal tiger, saltwater crocodile, and spotted deer. The Sundarbans is not just a natural wonder but also a UNESCO World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve. Tour De Sundarbans, a leading sustainable tourism company, provides visitors with an opportunity to experience this unique region while contributing to its preservation.

Sustainable tourism is a growing trend in the travel industry, and for good reason. It is a form of tourism that aims to protect the environment, support local communities, and promote cultural preservation. Tour De Sundarbans is a perfect example of sustainable tourism in action. Their tours are designed to minimize the impact on the environment and to support the local community. They have been recognized for their efforts and listed as a sustainable tourism company in India. 

Tour De Sundarbans

Tour De Sundarbans offers a range of tours, from day trips to multi-day excursions, that provide visitors with a chance to explore the beauty of the Sundarbans while learning about its delicate ecosystem. The tours are led by experienced guides who are passionate about the region and its conservation. Visitors can enjoy activities such as mangrove interpretation safaris, birdwatching, and traditional pottery workshops. The tours also provide opportunities to interact with the local community, which is an integral part of sustainable tourism.

One of the key features of Tour De Sundarbans is its commitment to sustainable practices. They have implemented a number of measures to reduce their environmental impact, such as using solar energy, recycling waste, and supporting mangrove conservation efforts. They also work closely with the local community, providing them with opportunities for employment and training in sustainable tourism practices. Tour De Sundarbans has been recognized for its efforts towards sustainable tourism in India. They have received the Gold Award for Best Tour Operator at the India Responsible Tourism Awards and have been listed as a sustainable tourism company by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. This recognition is a testament to their dedication to protecting the environment and supporting the local community.

In addition to their commitment to sustainability, Tour De Sundarbans also provides visitors with a unique cultural experience. The region is home to the Sundarbans' indigenous people, who have a rich history and culture that is worth exploring. Visitors can learn about their traditions, customs, and way of life through cultural performances, village visits, and homestays.

Tour De Sundarbans also works closely with the Rajghat Besant High School in Varanasi, founded by the renowned thinker and philosopher, Jeddi Krishnamurthy. The school is dedicated to providing a holistic education that incorporates traditional Indian values with modern teaching methods. Tour De Sundarbans provides students with the opportunity to learn about the Sundarbans' ecosystem, culture, and sustainable tourism practices. This collaboration is an excellent example of how sustainable tourism can benefit both the environment and local communities.

If you are looking for an unforgettable adventure that will also leave a positive impact on the environment, Tour De Sundarbans is the perfect choice for you. Tour De Sundarbans is a sustainable tourism initiative that offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the Sundarbans in an eco-friendly way. They provide an array of tours and activities that allow visitors to experience the beauty of the Sundarbans while minimizing their impact on the environment. Their flagship program is the four-day eco-village tour, which includes a range of activities such as mangrove interpretation safaris, night safaris, and jungle safaris. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the local culture and way of life by interacting with the local villagers.

Tour De Sundarbans has also partnered with the Rajghat Besant School, a school that follows the educational philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurti. The school emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and focuses on holistic development. The school's students participate in Tour De Sundarbans programs and gain hands-on experience in environmental conservation and sustainable tourism. The tour operator places a strong emphasis on responsible tourism practices. They use solar power for lighting and cooking, and their accommodations are built using locally-sourced, eco-friendly materials. They also have a strict no-plastic policy and encourage visitors to bring their own refillable water bottles.

Tour De Sundarbans has been recognized for its sustainable tourism practices and has been listed in Sustainable Tourism India, a platform that showcases sustainable tourism initiatives across India. They have also been featured in media outlets such as National Geographic Traveller India, Outlook Traveller, and Condé Nast Traveller India. In addition to their eco-village tour, Tour De Sundarbans also offers a range of other programs such as birdwatching tours, photography tours, and cultural tours. They also organize custom tours for those who want a more personalized experience.


In conclusion, Tour De Sundarbans is a leading sustainable tourism company in India that provides visitors with a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of the Sundarbans while contributing to its preservation. Tour De Sundarbans is a prime example of how tourism can be used to promote environmental conservation and sustainable development. They offer visitors a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of the Sundarbans while leaving a positive impact on the environment and local communities. Their commitment to sustainable practices, cultural preservation, and community involvement sets them apart in the travel industry. 

Tour de Sundarbans is not only a unique travel experience, but it is also a shining example of sustainable tourism in India. Their commitment to preserving the environment, supporting local communities, and educating travellers on the delicate ecosystem of the Sundarbans is truly commendable. By promoting responsible tourism practices, Tour de Sundarbans is helping to ensure the beauty and wonder of the Sundarbans can be enjoyed by future generations. If you are looking for a travel experience that is both educational and sustainable, Tour de Sundarbans is an excellent choice. As more and more people seek meaningful travel experiences that support local communities and protect the environment, Tour De Sundarbans is leading the way towards a more sustainable future for tourism in India. 

With their knowledgeable guides, immersive workshops, and breathtaking natural landscapes, you are sure to come away from your trip with a new appreciation for the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving it. Book your sundarban trip today and discover the beauty of the Sundarbans for yourself.